UN SDG 1 – No Poverty
“Eradicating poverty is not a task of charity, it’s an act of justice and the key to unlocking an enormous human potential. Still, nearly half of the world’s population lives in poverty, and lack of food and clean water is killing thousands every single day of the year. Together, we can feed the hungry, wipe out disease and give everyone in the world a chance to prosper and live a productive and rich life.”
Source: https://www.globalgoals.org/1-no-poverty
The targets under this Goal include eradicating extreme poverty, reducing extreme poverty by at least 50%, providing equal rights to ownership, basic services, technology and economic resources and more.
‘End poverty in all its forms everywhere’ may sound like a lofty goal. But it’s rightly pointed out that eradicating poverty is not a task of charity, it’s an act of justice. Around 220 million Indians live on an expenditure level of less than Rs 32 a day, the official measure of the poverty line in India. Being born into poverty creates a cycle of inequality that can last for generations. UN SDG Goal 1 – End Poverty focuses on ending poverty to better lives for millions across the world.
Action against poverty can different forms in rural and urban environments. A number of the NGOs on our website look to strengthen agricultural income of families who are dependent on farming as a source of income. Action for Agricultural Renewal in Maharashtra (AFARM) in Maharashtra is actively engaged in developing and managing Natural Resources Management (NRM) based livelihoods of rural poor households. The intervention aims at development of resilient production and sustainable livelihoods allowing households to face production and marketrisks without falling back into poverty. AFARM’s work helped many marginal farmers, women and landless households engage in diversified livelihood activities.
PRADAN works with over 3.5 million poor families across 37 districts in India. A majority of the families they work with belong to Scheduled Tribe and Scheduled Castes. They take a multi-pronged approach that touches different aspects of development. Their work includes creating Self-Help Groups to help women access institutional finance for livelihoods, increasing food security by creating work in agriculture, horticulture, forest-based livelihoods, livestock and micro-enterprises.
Kesharwani Shikshan Samiti takes a holistic approach towards helping the poor through their work in Chattisgarh. There are many people who are made vulnerable due to poverty, and the NGO responds to their needs through different programs. They run an old-age home cum day care centre for the elderly. They also distribute seeds and provide training about new technology, qualitative seeds and how propagate plants and flowers so that those in need can have an additional source of food and livelihood. They organize a bridge course program for child labourers and children who have dropped out of school.
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PS: You can read our blogs on the other UN Sustainable Development Goals here.
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